On April 29, 2022, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and Tsinghua University preclinical research showed that NMN supplementation can rescue NAD+ metabolism, immune response and cell death-related gene expression dysregulation caused by new coronavirus infection, inhibit cell death in mice, and significantly improve Pneumonia caused by viral infection. The research results were included in the authoritative journal "Cell Discovery".
In this study, the researchers found that Covid-19 infection caused genetic dysregulation in mice, and that these dysregulations were associated with NAD+ metabolism, immune response and cell death, which are very similar to the symptoms of Covid-19 patients. With NMNd treatment, the researchers found that, first, the pneumonia phenotype, including excessive inflammatory cell infiltration, hemolysis, and embolism in the lungs infected with COVID-19, was significantly improved. Second, supplementation with NAD+ and NMN significantly inhibited cell death. Even more strikingly, NMN supplementation averted death in 30% of aged mice infected with a lethal dose of Covid-19. Finally, mechanistically, the researchers found that supplementation with NAD+ or NMN could partially rescue the gene expression and metabolic disturbances caused by Covid-19 infection, thereby saving the lives of mice.
この研究の結果は、NAD+ 経路を標的とした新しいクラウン治療実験を支持しています。NMN に代表される NAD+ 前駆体は、輝かしいスポットの 1 つになっています。構造的に、NMN は NAD+ に最も近く、わずか 1 ステップで NAD+ に変換できます。新しいクラウン治療薬の中間体としてのNMN関連産業は巨大な市場を持っており、新たな機会を引き寄せる可能性があります。
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