




Feb 06, 2023

Everyone must face a problem -- aging! Skin aging is mainly caused by natural aging controlled by genes and many exogenous factors. In the end, the core of skin care is to "resist various skin problems caused by skin aging". What products can help us solve the problem of anti-aging?

1. Carnosine [Antioxidant]

As an antioxidant, carnosine neutralizes and removes the free radicals attacking our DNA cells. It prevents the destruction of proteins by inhibiting glycosylation. It helps to protect the connective tissue of skin to make them firm, smooth, correct and prevent wrinkles.

2. Thiotaurine[Antioxidant]

Taurine has the ability to activate skin cells, has the ability to resist oxidation and regulate osmotic pressure, can continuously provide young skin with fast and lasting energy supplement and multiple protection, and resist external invasion of skin.

3. Bifid yeast [Anti photoaging]

The bifid yeast has a strong anti-immunosuppressive activity and can promote the repair of DNA, which can effectively protect the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet rays, and help prevent the photoaging of epidermis and dermis.

4. Retinol [Delaying aging]

The effect of alcohol A on the skin is to lock in the moisture of the skin, with good moisturizing effect. It can fade spots, delay aging, fade wrinkles, accelerate skin metabolism, make the skin more tender and shiny, and reduce the formation of melanin.

5. Astaxanthin[Antioxidant]

Natural astaxanthin is one of the strongest natural antioxidants in the world, which can effectively remove oxygen free radicals in cells, enhance cell regeneration ability, maintain body balance and reduce the accumulation of aging cells, and protect the health of cells and DNA from the inside out.

6. Fullerene [Anti-aging]

Fullerene's anti-aging effect on skin is always because it can absorb and dissolve the free radicals in the skin, which is an active molecule that causes skin aging, and is a hard and stable structure.

7. L-Glutathione reduced [Anti-glycation and anti-aging]

The main physiological function of glutathione is to remove free radicals from the body, protect many thiol groups in proteins and enzymes, and maintain the biological activity of enzymes. Help to remove free radicals produced by skin saccharification reaction, and resist oxygen and sugar.

8. Ergothioneine /EGT[Antioxidant]

The antioxidant capacity of ergothioneine is 6000 times that of VE. Ergothioneine and its derivatives can reduce or even prevent protein glycosylation, prevent age-related skin elasticity loss, and prevent or improve the appearance of bridge wrinkles.

9. Ectoin/Ectoine [Shield anti-aging]

Ectoine has the functions of protecting cells, nourishing and anti-aging, and forms a protective shell around the cells. The skin cells are equivalent to being "armed" and have a better "ability to fight".

10. Coenzyme Q10 [Anti-aging]

コエンザイム Q10 は再生抗酸化物質であり、UVB 放射によって脱分極されるミトコンドリアの電子伝達鎖の構成要素です。UVB 照射前にコエンザイム Q10 に皮膚をさらすと、皮膚細胞に対する UVB の影響を軽減し、細胞の生存率を向上させることができます。

11. ペプチド [シワを薄くする]

ペプチドは、頭、カラスの足、および周囲の筋肉のしわを緩和および抑制することができる物質です. 顔の筋肉の収縮を減らし、神経伝達物質の放出を阻害することで表情ジワを調節および減少させ、抗酸化と抗シワに良い役割を果たします.


Pro-Xylane が皮膚に入ると、プロテオグリカンのタンパク質糖含有量の変換を促進し、皮膚コラーゲンの再生を促進し、皮膚の老化を遅らせます。Pro-Xylane は、細胞外マトリックスの活性を利用して老化細胞を活性化し、コラーゲンの合成を促進します。



